First sighting of black wolf at Sanjiangyuan area

During a study of water birds at the Sanjiangyuan (the source of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River) National Park on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has photographed a rare female black wolf. Experts said that this was the first sighting of a black wolf in China.


“The discovery of the black wolf in the Sanjiangyuan region will bring great value to research of this species in China.” Said Jie Yan, an associate researcher with the Animal Studies Institute of China’s Academy of Sciences. There’s been some research of the black wolf in North America and Europe since the 1920s, but there’s been almost no studies on the black wolf in China.


Besides, in the WWF's recent study, there’s also been sightings of 26 types of wetland birds, almost 15000 total in number, including bearded vulture, black-necked cranes, and saker falcon, etc.