Tibet introduces subsidy for special posts in high altitude areas
Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) recently introduced Measures for Rewarding Professionals in Special Posts in High Altitude Township Hospitals (Trial). Wu Yingjie, Secretary of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) TAR Committee, pointed out that it is fundamental work to ensure talents in health and hygiene are well trained and motivated, making them have a sense of satisfaction in job, a sense of accomplishment in work and a sense of honor in society.
The measures stipulate that the reward subsidies would cover professionals working in township hospitals at an altitude of 4,500 meters or more. Implementation starts from July 1, 2017, and subsidies will be issued according to the altitude of the hospital and job title level.
Standards for the awards are as follows:
Professionals with senior, intermediate and junior title levels (including those who haven't reached junior level) working in township hospitals at an altitude of 4,500 to 4,799 meters can receive 40,000, 30,000 and 20,000 yuan per year respectively ($5,885,$4,414 and $2,942 respectively). The precondition is that they should have satisfied the assessment requirements.
Professionals with senior, intermediate and junior job levels (including those who haven't reached junior level) working in township hospitals at an altitude of 4,800 to 4,999 meters can receive 50,000, 40,000 and 30,000 yuan per year respectively ($7,356, $5,885,and $4,414 respectively). The precondition is that they should have satisfied the assessment requirements.
Professionals with senior, intermediate and junior job levels (including those who haven't reached junior level) working in township hospitals at an altitude of 5,000 meters or above can receive 60,000, 50,000 and 40,000 yuan per year respectively ($8,827, $7,356, and $5,885 respectively). The precondition is that they should have satisfied the assessment requirements.
The measures require that each level of government department should set out specific assessment methods, provide extensive promotion of the policies, and increase supervision and inspection efforts, to ensure that the reward subsidies are handed out on time and in full.