Tibet-Sichuan medical outreach for Tibetan girl Tenzin

Little Tenzin, a Tibetan girl who was saved from a congenital disease thanks to charitable aid by Tibet Autonomous Region and Sichuan Province earlier this year, was sent to Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital again recently for a second surgery. The girl had received an all-round physical checkup and waited for the operation on the afternoon of Nov. 25.

The thorough physical examination showed that little Tenzin had recovered well from anastomosis of esophagus, with normal growth and development and increased body weight. She had suffered severe pneumonia due to altitude difference after hospitalization, but she has recovered.

"It shows that little Tenzin is in good physical condition. After the checkup and expert consultation, we will perform colostomy on this afternoon.” said Dr. Liu Wenying, Director of Children’s Medical Center of Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital and surgeon of the previous operation for little Tenzin.

Dekyi, little Tenzin’s mother, quitted her job as a babysitter after the birth of her girl, and spent most of the time with Tenzin in Tibet Fukang Hospital, which paid for milk powder, follow-up treatment and care for them. “We provide a fund up to 1,000 yuan per month for the baby girl till she gets 18 years old.” said Wang Bin, Chairman of the Board of Tibet Fukang Hospital.

For the treatment this time, Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital will reduce the hospital-surgical coverage, with the rest borne by Tibet Angel Foundation of Tibet Fukang Hospital and donations from caring people of the society. A designated account has been open for various medical payments for little Tenzin.

A Tibetan woman Dekyi delivered by C-section a baby girl named Little Tenzin, who suffered congenital esophageal atresia, at Tibet Fukang Women's and Children's Hospital on this January 1. With the help of Tibet Fukang Hospital and civil aviation authorities, little Tenzin took a flight through green channel to Chengdu for her first successful surgery.