“King Gesar” animation released for the first time
On June 17 audiovisual products for the “King Gesar” animated TV series, created by the Qinghai National Language Animation Development Center, were released for the first time, Xining Evening News reported.
The Qinghai National Language Animation Development Center plans to make 26 episodes of the “King Gesar” animated series. Of the 26, three have already been released, including “Claiming the Throne by Horseracing” (episode one) and “Huoling War” (two episodes), all of which are 20 minutes long.
Production of the animation used 2D paperless software. Characters and scene design both reflect Qinghai’s geographical and cultural characteristics; there are more than 50 characters and over 400 scenes. When filtering and editing the content the original was respected and reconstruction based on the original also took place, highlighting King Gesar’s heroic spirit of stopping the bad and promoting the good.
The Qinghai National Language Animation Development Center has already produced the province’s first animated film “Finding the Spirit of Wisdom” and five episodes of “Tibetan Antelope”, filling the void in Qinghai’s animation creation.